查尔斯史丹利牧师 - 得胜的喜悦 l The Triumphant Joy - Dr Charles Stanley l 你的行为性情会因为情况而改变吗?如何拥有喜悦的心?坚定不移的喜悦意味着什么

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您的情况如何影响您?当您遇到困难,痛苦或失望时,这些经历会改变您的举止或性情吗? 在艰难困苦中时,您会变成另一个人吗? 尽管生命中的困境有时会夺走我们的快乐,但我们不必让它夺走我们在基督里的喜悦。

#装备生命 #得胜的喜乐 #查尔斯史丹利牧师

How do your circumstances affect you?
When you are going through difficulties, pain, or disappointment, do these experiences change your conduct or disposition? Are you one person when life is running smoothly, but a different one when you are visited by hardship and suffering? Although trouble has the power to take away our happiness, we don’t have to let it rob us of our joy in Christ.
As Christians, we’re enabled by the Holy Spirit to experience overflowing joy even when our lives only seem to be adding up to despair. Explore what it means to trade in superficial happiness for steadfast joy.

For more messages from Charles Stanley, go to
In Touch Ministries – www.intouch.org

Video created Under Creative Commons Attribution Licence.

查尔斯.史丹利博士 (Dr. Charles Stanley) 今年88岁,为亚特兰大第一浸信会主任牧师近50年,今年退休。他是In Touch「与神同行」事工创办人,仍然继续为神工作。他透彻认识人的需要,善于阐明如何把圣经真理实践在日常生活之中。史丹利博士的事工理念,乃参照使徒保罗在以弗所书的教导。「我却不以性命为念,也不看为宝贵,只要行完我的路程,成就我从主耶稣所领受的职事,证明神恩惠的福音。」(使徒行传 20:24)
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